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Trallwng Infants School

Ysgol Babanod Trallwng Infants School

Learning and Growing Together

Dosbarth Banana

Summer term



Hi Bananas,

I hope you all enjoyed some sunshine and fun over the Easter holidays. 

School needs to stay shut for a little while longer to make sure we all stay safe.

So, we’ll keep sharing our learning together on Purple Mash and Seesaw (new activities uploaded each Monday).

Now, if we had been in school, we would be starting our new Summer term topic  ‘Life on the ocean wave’, shall we still give it a go, just a little bit differently!

Take care

Miss Stacey xxx

As we start exploring a ‘Life on the ocean wave’, here’s a song to get us ready for our exciting sea-themed adventures!!!  

The Little Mermaid - Under the Sea (from The Little Mermaid) (Official Video)

Walt Disney Records: The Legacy Collection - The Little Mermaid is available now! Get it here: Play along with "Under the Sea" here...




Seesaw learning journal access:


You are now able to access your child's seesaw learning journal via purple mash.  If you log-in to your purple mash accounts and go to the 'Dosbarth Banana' blog (found under the sharing tab at top of screen ) you will find all the information you need there.   


Many thanks


Miss Stacey 






As of today, on the purple mash website I have set up a class blog for the Bananas, which you are able to access using your individual log-ins.

If you log into the main purple mash website, click the sharing icon at the top of the page and then click the ‘shared blogs’ tab you should find it there.


Miss Stacey x

The Brilliant Bananas

To all my brilliant Bananas,

I hope you have been having lots of fun at home playing and learning together and spending lots of time with your lovely families.  

The Purple Mash website is available for you to access from home; where there are lots of activities to have a go at – particularly in the mini mash section. I will also be putting some little tasks on here for you to have a try.

I know that right now everything seems a bit strange as we can’t come to school for a little while because of this BIG GERM that we need to get rid of!

But once it’s gone, we’ll all be back together again, playing with our friends, singing songs, reading stories and being TOP BANANAS!!!

 I am already missing you all so much and cannot wait to see you again soon. 

Until then, take care, laugh lots and keep smiling!

Love Miss Stacey and Taffy Teddy xxx