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Trallwng Infants School

Ysgol Babanod Trallwng Infants School

Learning and Growing Together

Dosbarth Strawberry

Our new topic... Life on the Ocean Wave 🌊

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Here is Terrence the sea turtle to introduce our new topic!

Adventure Island map task!

This weeks activities (30th March 2020)

All activities are posted each Monday on here and on Seesaw. The seesaw codes were sent home in your packs before school closed, we highly recommend you use this online facility as it allows interaction between pupil and teacher and give the opportunity to upload photos and videos of all of your hard work!!! 

 * Just like the little boy in the story can you have a go at building a den in your house or garden. Give it a name and take picture of you in there with your favourite things and upload it to seesaw or you could do a video.


*I am going to be attaching a map I have made of my Adventure Island. Can you print it off or draw it out at home and have a go at completing my map. You could then have a go at drawing your own map of your adventure island. 


*In the story the little boy has a pet dinosaur. Using the 2do set on Purplemash can you design your own pet for you Adventure Island and write a sentence about it. 


* In the story the little boy has rules about his island: No broccoli allowed, no sisters allowed, eating all of the chocolate cake.
Can you write out 10 rules for your own Adventure Island and upload a picture of them to seesaw.


* I have also set a maths activity for you to complete on seesaw (Addition sort), have a go in the activities section. 


Also, remember to practise your reading and upload videos/pictures, we love seeing what you have been up to! Keep going with the Trallwng Bingo Challenge! I can't wait to see what you get up to this week :)


Mrs Roche x

My Adventure Island

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My wonderful Strawberries 😃

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Dear Strawberries,

Last Friday we closed the school gates for a little while. I know it’s a little bit strange, it’s strange for us grown ups too! I miss your smiley faces and already can’t wait to hear your loud voices on the playground!
It’s ok to feel a bit unsure and strange and sad that we won’t all be together for a little while. Mrs Roche, Mrs James and Miss Yendle are already missing you, they feel a bit confused and sad too. They are staying in their houses as well. All your friends miss you millions. They are staying at home too. We all have to stay at home because there is a nasty bug going round, have you heard people talking about it?
What do you know about it?
Well here’s what I know. The Queen and Boris Johnson went on the news and told the grown-ups we need a massive clean-up. THE WHOLE COUNTRY! They said they couldn’t clean up properly with us all being everywhere because we kept messing it up again so they said. “Right if you all stay home for a little while we will send some really special people to do a big clean up, and it might take a while but it’s important that we get rid of this bug!”

So my wonderful Strawberries, I know you are clever, brave, kind and funny and you are also super at doing as you are told. Can you help me please? Will you stay at home and as soon as the big bosses say we can come back to school, I promise I’ll give you lots of Dojo’s straight away.
Ok... I am going to send you some work, can you do it for your grown ups at home, please? No complaining or else I’ll be taking your Dojo’s away!!
When we can all come back to school we are going to have a big party and I want you to be there so we can dance together!
So, school is locked up for a little while and it might even turn into a long while but as soon as we are allowed to open it I’ll be there straight away and I will be waiting at the doors with our special greetings to see your beautiful smiley faces. Until then, enjoy time with your families: sing the songs that we love to sing in Mrs Francis’ assembly, make your family laugh, be silly and most of all smile because your beautiful smiles light up our hearts and we can’t wait to see them again.

Much love
Mrs Roche :)